Canada occupies the whole of northern part of North America and many islands - for example: Baffin Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver, Prince Edward Island and so on. The capital city is Ottawa. Canada‘s area is about 10 mil. Sq km – it is the second largest country in the world.

It neighbours with USA - with Alaska and with continental states on the 49 th parallel and the Great Lakes Area. This border is the longest undefended border in the world. The Great Lakes Region is the largest area of fresh water in the world. There are famous Niagara Falls between Lake Erie and Ontario. We can find also other big and beautiful lakes in Canada. For example Great Bear Lake, great Slave Lake and lake Winnipeg.

Canada has large mountain areas – the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains and the Melville Hills. The highest mountain is Mt. Logan. There are about thirty national parks in Canada, one of them being Jasper National Park in Alberta. Thousands of tourists visit Canada’s national parks all the year round to admire the scenery or to enjoy walking, climbing, fishing or skiing there.

The longest river is Mackenzie. It flows from the Rocky Mountains to the Arctic Ocean. Other big rivers are the Yukon, the Columbia and the river St. Lawrence.


There are over 32 milion inhabitants in Canada. The population is 28% of British Isles origin, 23% of French origin, 15% of other European origin, 2 % of american Indians, 6% of other origins – mostly Asian, African and Arabic and 26% of mixed background. English and French are the two official languages of Canada. Canada is offten called the “ Mosaic of People “, in opposition to the american “ Melting Pot “.


In 1965, canada adopted its official, red and white flag, with the centred maple leaf. Maple sap is gathered in Canada every spring for maple sirup. During World War I. and II. Canadian troops used the maple leaf as a distinctive emblem.


The original inhabitants came to Canada some 10 000 or 25 000 years ago from Asia. The first europeans here were the Vikings who discovered Canada more than a thousand years ago. Durong the Age of Discoveries some navigators landed on the Canadian coast. The first was Italian Giovany Caboto. Since he 16 th century large territories were occupied by French, but France lost this country in frequent wars with England during the 17 th,18 th and 19 th centuries. Canada became a Brithis dominion in 1867. Today the head of state is still Queen Elizabeth II. Of England, repesented by a Governor General.


Canada is very rich in natural resources such as gold, diamonts, timber, natural gas,oil and next.Canada is member of the North American Free Trade Agreement with the USA and Mexico and also a member of the G – 7 most industrialized countries.

Trere is also important agriculture. They grow oats vegetables, fruits, tabacoo, diary products, leather and next.


Canada became a British dominion in 1867. Now it is an independent state and a member of the Brithis Commonwealth of Nations. Since 1965 it has own national flag. The head of the state is the British monarch represented by the Govrnor – General, usually appointed for a 5 year. The leading figure in the political life of the country is the Prime Minister.


Undefended - nechráněný
Falls - vodopády
Admire - obdivovat
Maple leaf - list javoru
Sap - míza, šťáva
Gathered - shromážděný
Troops - vojáci
Distinctive emblem - charakteristický symbol
Age of Discoveries - doba objevů
Landed - přistát
Frequent - častý
Natural resources - přírodní zdroje
Timber - dřevo
Member - člen
Oats - oves
Appointed - jmenován



1) What is the capital city of Canada?
2) Where is Canada situated?
3) Which are the longest rivers?
4) Which are the highest mountins?
5) Why is Canada called “Modaic of People” ?
6) Who is the head of state?
7) What do you know about flag?
8) Who was Giovany Caboto?
9)Which are the most important agricultural products of the Canada?


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