Castles, Chateaus And Other Monuments

Trosky – The ruins of a Gothic castle stand on two basalt cones.We can find it in the Bohemian Paradise. The castle is from the second half of 14thcentury and it was left in the end on 17th century. The higher tower { 514m }is called Panna /Virgin, the lower one is {504m} is called Baba /an old women/.

Opočno – It is a town and a chateau situated on the Golden Stream nearDobruška. The castle is mentioned for the first time in 1068. In 1560 / 1569 there wasbuilt a Renaissance chateau with arcades. It was restyled in the Baroque by G.B.Alliprandi. There is a picture gallery and collection of weapons.

Kuks – It is a village on the River Elbe. There was a chateau and thecomplex of bath and other buildings from 1695 – 1724. Preserved are only the hospitalbuilding with an old pharmacy and the Baroque Church of Holy Trinity containing the tombof the Spork family. Very famous are allegorical statues of the vices and virtues by M.B.Braun.

Kost – A large castle in the in the Bohemian Paradise. It wasreconstructed in the Renaissance style, but it remained a typical 14th centurycastle. Inside is the exposition of Late Gothic sculptures and paintings.

Babiččino údolí – Grandmother’s Valley

It is a meadow valley with the River Upa between Èeská Skalice and Havlovice. It wasnamed after Grandmother – the character of Božena Nìmcová`s novel of the same name.There is the cottage called Staré Bìlidlo, Viktorka weir, sculpture „ Grandmother andchildren „ by Otto Gutfreund and Ratiboøice Chateau.

Other monuments :

Valdštejn – the ruins of an Gothic castle, lies in the Hruboskalsko rocktown

Humprecht - an Early Baroque chateau near Sobotka

Pecka - the castle of Gothic origin, enlarged in Renaissancestyle, the owner – Kryštof Harant of Polžice and Bezdružice

Svojnov – a Gothic castle, rebuilt in the 19th century, Záviš ofFalkenštejn had his court there

Litomyšl – Renaissance and Baroque houses, a Renaissance chateau, BedřichSmetana was born there

Hrádek u Nechanic – a Romantic chateau by K. Fisher, with a large park

Chlumec on Cidlinou -the Baroque castle Charle`s Crown was was designed by G.Santini. There is a big collection of Baroque art and sculpture.

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