Charles Dickens

- The main topic of his books – the fate of young poor children and their life; their stories are very touching
- English novel writer
- His father was typist
- Their family moved to London where Charles lived all his life
- His childhood was very unhappy
- When he was 10 he had to work in a factory
- In his 12 he started to go to school and in his 15 years old he was at the begiing of studiing the law
- His father had to go to jail
- He was a writer in the magazines : The true sun, Mirror of parliment a Morning Chronicle
- He played in the theatre
- He is describing his own bad childhood in his books

Chronicle of the Pickwick club
- it was his first novel
- Mr. Pickwick is the mail person in the club
- England is showed here by the fuuny way
- This book isn´t so tipical for Dickens)
- This book was written because of the order of publisher

Little Doritka
- This novel had two volumes
- It´s about Doritka´s fate
- She lives in a jail for debtor

Hopeful outlooks (Nadějné vyhlídky)
- novel
- the main character – Pip
- He is remembered of his youth, how he was poor
- He inherited a lot of money – he is going to London for the money
- Before that he is baging some man at the semetery for some food – the man gives him the money
- Estella – young girl - Pip fall in love with her – he married her in the end

Oliver Twist
- novel
- he lived in orphanage (sirotčinec)
- he run away with his friend to London
- they were stealing a lot of thinks with other boys in London
- the police caught him and he had to live in a family, which had a store they were stealing in
- the father of that family he had to live in is his own fater
- Oliver Twist – is a young boy who hasn’t parents; for a long time, he doesn’t feel love
- Fagin – is a leader of the gang)
- Mrs. Maylie – she is very kind; she understands Oliver; she looks after Oliver

Oliver Twist in English
Oliver Twist is one of the first social novels of the 19th century and one of the most famous novels written by Charles Dickens. The novel was filmed many times and succesfully played in theatre.
In the workhouse of a provincial town seventy-five miles north of London a young woman gives birth to a boy, and dies. The child is named Oliver Twist and put into the workhouse orphanage, presided over by the ill-natured Mrs. Corney. At the age of nine Oliver is transfered to the workhouse and he is set to picking oakum. When Oliver is chosen as the speaker for the other half-starved boys and asks for more of the gruel which is their main food, the authorities decide it is time to put him to a trade.
He becomes apprenticed to Sowerberry, an undertaker, his small frame and delicate appearance making him suitable for acting as a mute at children's funerals. But when Noah Claypole, another apprentice, insults his dead mother, Oliver attacks him and is cruelly punished by the Sowerberrys. He runs away to London, where he meets a boy thief, Jack Dawkins,'The Artful Dodger', a member of a pickpocket gang run by Fagin, a Jew. Fagin decides to use the uncomprehending Oliver, whom he instructs in the picking of pockets, and sends him out with the Dodger and another boy, Charley Bates. Oliver is horrified to see them pick the pocket of an old gentleman at a bookstall, runs away, and is captured and taken before a magistrate; but the old gentleman, Mr. Brownlow, has seen the true robbers and exculpates Oliver. Oliver is taken to Mr. Brownlow's house in Pentonville, where the housekeeper, Mrs. Bedwin, nurses him through an illness. He is treated with kindness and affection for the first time in his life, and is happy. But Fagin plots to recapture him. He engages Bill Sikes, a brutal robber, and Nancy, his mistress, also a member of the gang, to bring Oliver back.
Their plan is successful, and Sikes takes Oliver by night to Chertsey to carry out a robbery on the house of Mrs. Maylie. When the alarm is given Sikes takes fright and escapes, and Oliver is shot and wounded. Mrs. Maylie and her adopted niece, Rose, take him in, listen to his story, and believe it. He settles with them, becoming a household favourite. Rose is suddenly stricken with a serious illness. Mrs. Maylie's son, Harry, arrives, and on her recovery begs her to marry him. She refuses because she is nameless, having been adopted from a baby-farm by Mrs. Maylie. During his idyllic life with the Maylies Oliver catches glimpses of Monks, a sinister man who is in league with Fagin to recapture him. In Fagin's den they lay plots to do this; but Nancy, overhearing them and feeling compassion for the child, tells Rose about the conspiracy, without giving away the gang. Rose and her adviser, Dr. Losberne, promise Nancy that if Monks is brought to justice Fagin and Sikes shall not be in any danger of arrest.
Fagin has set Noah Claypole, now his tool, to follow Nancy and spy on her as she meets Rose and Dr. Losberne on the steps of London Bridge. He reports the conversation to Fagin, who repeats it to Sikes. Sikes, maddened by Nancy's supposed treachery, rushes back to his own room, awakens her from sleep and clubs her to death.
Sikes takes flight into the country north of London, driven from place to place by fear and conscience. Then, feeling that London is after all the safest place in which to conceal himself, he returns to his old haunts. He has been followed by his ill-treated but faithful dog, Bullseye, and has attempted to drown him, but he has escaped and returns to the gang's headquarters. Sikes arrives there to be greeted with horror and loathing by those of the gang who have escaped a police raid in which Fagin and Noah Claypole have been arrested. Charley Bates gives the alarm; Sikes attempts to escape across the roofs in order to drop into Folly Ditch below, but falls with a rope round his neck, and hangs himself. The dog, which has followed his brutal master even to this point, leaps for the dead man's shoulders and falls to death below.
Fagin is executed, appealing to Oliver in the condemned cell to save him. The Dodger is transported, Charley Bates sees the error of his ways and becomes a reformed character, and Noah Claypole escapes justice by turning King's evidence. The plot against Oliver is resolved by Mr. Brownlow, to whom Oliver has now been restored. Monks, otherwise Edward Leeford, is Oliver's half-brother, their father having seduced and promised marriage to Agnes, Oliver's mother, while still married to Leeford's mother. The provisions of the father's will leave money to Oliver on condition that he maintains a spotless reputation, and for this reason Monks has tried to keep the boy in Fagin's gang in order to discredit him and inherit the full sum himself. It is now discovered that Oliver's dead mother and Rose Maylie were sisters, and that Rose is, after all, legitimate aunt of Oliver.
Monks receives his share of the legacy, goes to America, and dies there in prison. Oliver is adopted by Mr. Brownlow, and Rose marries Harry Maylie, who for her sake has given up a promising political career to become a country clergyman, in whose church a memorial is raised to Oliver's mother, Agnes.
It was very interesting and thrilling reading. This book naturally describes the life of an orphan, who must face of many troubles in his life. I can support this book to everyone, who wants to read an interesting and thrilling book. But I must alert, that some parts of this books are a little brutal.

Oliver Twist – is a young boy who hasn’t parents; for a long time, he doesn’t feel love; he can’t face off the difficulties of life; he is honest
Mrs. Maylie – she is very kind; she understands Oliver; she looks after Oliver
Harry – he loves Rose very much; he would do anything for her love
Rose – she is very kind; she grows fond of Oliver, although she doesn’t know, she is his aunt
Nancy – loves Sikes; she feels compassion with Oliver; although she is a member of the gang, she isn’t so cruel
Fagin – is a leader of the gang; he is ruthless; he battens on the people
Bill Sikes – he is a brutal robber; he is very cruel; he doesn’t fell compassion with anyone
Monks – he is very calculating and cunning, he wants all the money; he is ruthless

(nejprve český přehled)
David se narodil jako pohrobek mladičké matce a zesnulému o mnoho let staršímu otci. Po smrti Davidova otce je navštívila teta Betsy Trotwoodová. Těšila se, že se narodí holčička a bude ji společně s mladou maminkou vychovávat. Když zjistila, že se narodil chlapec, bez rozloučení ihned odjela. Matka s malým Davidem žili na zámku zvaném Vraní hnízdo společně se služebnou Peggotkou.
Po několika letech se Davidova matka znovu vdala. Vzala si pana Murdstona, který si do domu ihned přivedl i svou sestru. Byl tak zlý, a fyzicky Davida trestal. Nakonec řekl, že David je nezvladatelný a měl by jít do školy. Poslali ho do Salemského ústavu, který patřil panu Creaklovi. Pan Creakl byl ostatní chlapce někdy i bezdůvodně a David si to okusil na vlastní kůži. Na škole měl David rád pana učitele Mella, byl hodný a laskavý a dokonce odporoval panu Creaklovi. Nakonec byl vyhozen.
David dostával od Peggotky dopisy a jednou za ním přijel její bratr rybář a synovec Ham. O pololetních prázdninách jel David domů, a čekalo ho překvapení. Jeho matka měla dalšího syna. Po prázdninách jel David opět do školy a po čase dostal dopis, že jeho maminka a bratříček zemřeli. Po pohřbu byla Peggotka propuštěna a vdala se za povozníka, který se o ni ucházel již dlouho. David jel s Peggotkou k jejímu bratrovi, kde se potkal se svou kamarádkou z dětství Emilkou.
Po svatbě pan Mudrston Davida neposlal do školy, ale do práce. David pracoval ve skladě, kde umíval láhve a lepil etikety. David se ubytoval jako podnájemník u rodiny Micawberových. Pan Micawber byl zadlužen a nakonec ho uvěznili. Jeho žena a dvojčata se za ním přestěhovali do vězení pro dlužníky.
David si našel jiný pokoj, ale rozhodl se, že už nebude pracovat ve skladišti. Chtěl najít tetu Betsy o které mu vyprávěla maminka. Po dlouhé době a útrapách se mu to podařilo. Ze začátku mu teta připadá jako nepřístupná a rázná žena, ale David zjistí, že má laskavé a dobré srdce. Ujala se pana Dicka, vzdáleného příbuzného, jehož měli umístil do ústavu. Betsy napsala panu Mudrstounovi, ten hned přijel i se svojí sestrou a chtěli si Davida odvézt. David nechtěl a teta Mudrstouna se sestrou poslala pryč. Koupila Davidovi nové šaty a dala mu nové jméno - Trotwood. Pro Trotwooda začal nový a šťastný život.

David Copperfield
- David was a son of a very young mother, which had a husband, but he died (he was much older then she)
- After the death of David´s father an aunt Betsy Trotwood visited the family
- She thought that it will be a girl and she will take care of her with her young mum, but it was a boy
- She was angry and went away without saying „bye“
- The young mum lived with her son and their maid in a castle
- After few years David´s mum had a wedding again
- Her new husband was very strict to David and he gave him to Salem to the boarding-school
- On holiday David went home and there was an surprise – his mother had second child
- After that he went back to school but few months later he got a letter aobout his mother – she and her second son died
- Then his father got him to work,not to school
- He didn´t like his job so he wanted to find his aunt Betsy
- At the begining he thought taht his aunt doesn´t like him, she was very strict and authoritative, but then she bought him new cloths and gave him a new name – Trotwood
- For Mr. David Trotwood started a new life

David – young sensitive boy
Betsy – outwardly very cold but in real light very sensitive woman
David´s mum - so shy, quiet woman which was afraid of her son David

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