Dear Rosťa,
I haven’t seen you for such a long time. What have you been doing? Where do you live? What is about your sister ?
Fortunately, I saw your email adress in Internet, so I decided to write you.
Lots has changed since you moved to Kostelec nad Černými lesy. I live in Roudnice. I finished the basic school in the fifth class and pass the exams to grammary school, where I study. I met many new friends there, because from our olds chool came only one girl.
Otherwise this summer I was working in factory Procházka. That was very interesting, now I know what I should not eat. So it was my summer job.
It would be great to see you again. Write to me soon.
Bye Evžen
28. prosinec 2012
4 827×
130 slov