East Bohemian writers

There lived, stayed and worked many famous authors in East Bohemia. We would like to tell you about tne most famous ones.
Karel Václav Rais lived in Lázně Bělohrad. His well-known books are The Sinked Patriots (Zapadlí vlastenci) and The Father Bezoušek.
Fráňa Šrámek was born in a town which is called Sobotka. He wrote novels for example The Moon over the River or The Silver Wind which was even made a film. Many people know the poems from his book of poems The Weir.
Karel Poláček was born in Rychnov nad Kněžnou. His really good sense of humour we can see in the book We Were Five and in his other works too.
A really well-known name is Božena Němcová. The story of her book The Granny is situated in East Bohemian village Ratibořice near Česká Skalice.
If you want to know something interesting from primeval ages you can read books by Eduard Štorch. This author was from Ostroměř. His famous books are The Hunters of Mammoths and The Bronze Treasure.
Miletín is the birthplace of the collector of folk tales and ballads Karel Jaromír Erben. He was a poet too. His most famous work is The Bunch of Flowers.
There in the same town lived also a writer Alois Hlavatý, a victim of the communist repression. He wrote Out of the frying-pan into the fire (Z bláta do louže).
Antal Stašek and Ivan Olbracht, a father and his son, lived in Semily. Both of them were writers. Antal Stašek wrote for example a novel About the Cobbler Matouš and His Friends. Ivan Olbrachts´ famous novels are Ann the Proletarian and Nikola Šuhaj the Robber.
Alois Jirásek came from Hronov which is in East Bohemia too. We have read his book The Old Bohemian Legends. Famous are his works Against Everyone, At Ours, F. L. Věk and The Dark.
There lived and worked many other famous authors in our part of the Czech Republic for example Stanislav Rudolf who wrote unforgettable The Quintal (Metráček), the poet Jiří Orten, Jarmila Glazarová, Jaroslav Havlíček, Josef Štefan Kubín or Jaroslav Durych.
From our town Hořice came really well-known Věnceslava Lužická, Alois Hlavatý and Alois Jilemnický who edited the book About the Landscape, People and Things (O krajině, lidech a věcech) not long ago.
Dramatist Josef Kajetán Tyl visited Hořice, he has memorial plate in the square. Jaroslav Seifert visited Hořice too. He wrote about Hořice in his book All Beauties of the World.

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