Hello everyone,
I would like to say a few words about Georgia State University. As I hope you know Georgia is the state in the USA. Its capital is Atlanta, where this university lies. With its 33000 students it’s a pretty huge university. You can attend one of its 52 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. When I say You, I really think people sitting in this room. Because as I found out, the only two things or better to say specifications u have to satisfy are that you must have graduated from high school and you should possess a basic knowledge of English. I think both those things won’t be block for anyone here. But may the problem will be in money. One semester of studying on Georgia State University costs 7268 dollars at least. Depends on your own needs of money ... such a one semester longs 15 weeks. They usually have 3 semesters on GSU. Fall semester (from late August to mid-December) takes 15 weeks, spring semester (from mid-January to early May) takes also 15 weeks and one shorter summer semester, which is from mid-May to early August and takes just 10 weeks. This summer semester is a little cheaper ... just 5811 dollars ... those two sums comes from informational page of GSU and they include such a things as housing, traveling etc. When we will focus just for tuition it costs 2700 dollar per semester. And it doesn’t depend on which semester it is, whether 15 weeks or 10 weeks. So we should decide whether to stay on our university or apply for studying on the Georgia State University ... Just 240 000 Crowns per semester ... And moreover as I told you can choose from 52 graduate or undergraduate programs. GSU have 6 colleges. In fact 5 colleges and one school as it is called there. As for as colleges they have on GSU college of Arts and Sciences, college of Education, college of Law, college of health and human sciences and Robinson college of business. Sixth college called school is Andrew Young School of Policy Students.
Now I’ll focus a little on college of Arts and Science. Hope no one will take offence if I will talk just about the scientifical part of this college. This college is divided into many, many departments such as Mathematical and Statistics, Computer sciences, Communication etc ... I looked into schedule of classes in spring semester 2002 of Mathematical and Statistical department and I found out that they have some subjects same as we have. For example Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, etc. But also many many more mathematical subjects like Calculus of One Variable, Survey of Calculus, Precalculus, Meth of Reg/ANOVA ... In fact I don’t know exactly what are all those subjects about but it doesn’t matter. Lessons don’t have exact length as here, but it differs from class to class. For example Algebra take 50 minutes, Discrete Mathematics takes 110 minutes, Elementary Statistics 75 minutes and Calculus of one variable 100 minutes.
GSU is also research center as any other university in the world. Here is one of the best-granted department of Computer sciences. Research in GCATT Broadband Network was granted with 67 500 dollars in 1996.
As for as me, I will be thinking about GSU if I will like to study on any abroad university, It’s a great school with many opportunities for students from all of the world.
19. srpen 2007
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