Jobs and Occupations


I haven’t any after-school job, but I would like to try delivering advertisements.It hasn’t been possible for me to have it, because I have too much homework and housework.A weekend job isn’t possible for me, because one day of them I spend in a football match or somewhere else where I do some sports and the second day I’m quite tired and I have to to do my homework.Over the summer I have worked as a shop assistant.Since that I hate it.In the future I will do it only if will need money!Some of my classmates have worked also in a shop as a shop assistant.My brother cleaned the gym in his grammar school about six years ago.

My work experience as a shop assistant made me realize what I’m not suited to.How I said.My summer job was only to earn some money.I would like to become a teacher or a policeman.However, since I haven’t had any job experience so far, I don’t know if this is the right job for me.

There are a lot of qualities that I think a boss appreciates in workers forexample punctuality, honesty, hard work etc.On the other side traits that an employer would not like include laziness, disrespect, lying etc.

There are two maind kinds of work.You can prefer physical ( mannual work ) or mental.If you want to work as a mannual worker you should be fit.I think it’s impossible to say that mannual work is harder or on the contrary.I can say I prefer mannual work because I studied at the secondary school which is oriented more on mannual work than mental.I think I’m a quite neat-handed man.

Now let me introduce some manual jobs.These jobs where you work with your hands and they are mainly skilled jobs ( it means they need a lot of training ).Bricklayer builds walls, carpenter makes things using wood, plumber fits and repairs water pipes, bathrooms etc., electrician fits and repairs electrical things, mechanic repairs cars.

But you can also work as a proffesional people e.g. architect who designs buildings, lawyer who represents people with legal problems, engineer who plans the building of roads, bridges, machines, etc., accountant who controls the financial situation of people and companies, university lecturer who teaches in a university, broker ( stock market ) who buys and sells stocks and shares.

The armed forces and the emergency services : Soldier ( in the army ), sailor ( in the navy ), pilot ( in the air force ), police officer ( in the police force ), firefighter ( in the fire brigade ).

I wouldn’t like to have my own firm company, because I have never liked accounting.I would like to be a teacher, because I like work with young people.

The career lader

Getting a job : When one my uncle left school he applied for a job as an architect.They give him a job, but only as a trainee.He didn‘ got ( earn ) much money but he learned much about this work.Somethimes he was sent on training courses.

Moving up : He worked hard at the company and his prospects looked good.After his second year he got a very good pay rise, and after another half a year he was promoted ( given a higher position with more money and responsibility ).After about five years he boss of the department in Karviná and hes other 3 employees under him.
Leaving the company : By the time my uncle was 35 however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge.He was keen to work in Slovakia, so he resigned from his company ( quit the company ) and started looking for a new job in Slovakia.After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company which included a lot of travel around the Slovakia.He was very excited about the new job and at the first he really enjoyed travelling, but…

Hard times : …..but after about a year, my uncle started do dislike the constant moving around the Slovakia and after a one and half a year he rather hate it.He hated living in hotels and he never really made any friends in the new company.He liked designs new buildings, but unfortunately his work wasn’t satisfactory and finally he was sacked ( dissmised ).From this time my uncle found things much difficult.He was unemployed for over two years.He had to sell his car and moved from big house to small two-roomed flat.Things were looking bad and in the end my uncle had to accept a part-time job ( working only some of the day or some of the week ) as a shop assistant.

Happier times : To his surprise, he loved this job.He made a lot of friends and enjoyed working with people. ( customers ).His boss was very ill.He has cancer so my uncle took control of this shop.Two years later he opened new shop and now he is a owner of a big supermarket and this supermarket is designet by his own.Now he is out of work a he only controls his big store.He is very rich and proud on his own.

My father works as a serviseman in KONE lifts company.It’s a company of Finland origin which builds and repairs lifts ( elevators ) and escalators.He is a boss of Ostrava and neighbourhood department.His work involve both manual and mental work ( duties ).He has an office where he makes new contracts etc.He has about 15 workers under him and his job involnve big responsibilities.He is in charge of repairing lifts.He is also in control of his workers.His job also include a lot of paper work.

Most workers are paid every month and this pay goes directly into their bank account.It’s called a salary.With many jobs we can get holiday pay and sick pay ( when you are ill ).The total amount of money you recieve in a year is called your income.This could be your salary from one job, or the salary from two different jobs you have.And on this income you have to pay part to the government – it’s called income tax.

Working hours
For many people in Britain working hours are 8:30-9:00 a.m. to 5:00-5:30 p.m.Consequently people often talk about a nine-to-five job.Some people have flexi time ( they can start an hour or so earlier or finish later ) and some have to do shiftwork ( working at different times, e.g. days one week and nights the next week ).Some people also work overtime ( work extra hours ).Some people are paid to do/work ovrtime, others aren’t paid.

Office work
What you can do as a work in the office?
- She works at a computer most of the time, where she writes letters and reports
- She answer phone calls, mostly from retailers ( maloobchodníci )
- She makes phone calls to retailers, and the factory making the furniture.
- She sends invoices to customers ( paper showing products sold and the money to pay )
- She shows visitors around the factory
- She does general paperwork, e.g. filing reports ( hlášení ), writing memos, answering letters
- She arranges meetings for her boss and other managers in the company

This is where products are manufactured ( made ).Modern factories have fewer workers than in the past – this is because of automation ( machines do most of the work ) and most factories use an assembly line ( an arrangement in which each worker makes a part of the product and then passes it on to the next person or machine ).On assembly line, workers fit/assemble ( montují ) the different parts, and supervisors ( people in charge / control ) check / inspect (/ examine ( kontrolují ) each stage ( každý úsek ) to make sure the products meets the required standard ( is good enough ).

Finished goods
Goods is the general word used for things that are amde to be sold.When the product, e.g. a radio, is finished, it is packaged and stored in a warehouse.When a customer, e.g. an electrical shop, orders some of these goods, they are delivered to the shop using road or rail.

Getting a job

1. First of all we should write our Resume ( CV – Curriculum Vitae ).
There are a lot of ways how to write CV or Resume and they depend particulary on the purpose.But some basic ideas are common.

The CVs can be chronological or in reverse chronological order.Others are functional ( describing all relevant experiences – an approach used frequently by persons seeking to change fields ). and combination ( chronological format with functional component and you add clear goals ).

Important advice
Always include our duties and accomplishments, using verb phrases, not whole sentences.Resumes should be type-written on quality bond paper – conservative colours ( white ) are recommended.We should avoid mistakes : proofreading must be careful and involves more than checking spelling.

2. Then you must write cover letter ( doprovodný dopis )
When you are applying for the job you should send the advertising company your application – the cover letter.We should be short, but clear.Your enclosed CV explains more details.

3. Then we should be prepare for the interview
We should convince a potential employer that I’m the best candidate for the job.After writting a good CV, the next chance how to impress is at the interview

DO !
We should be dressed smartly – this displays confidence and shows you respect the interviewer.
Do make eye contact with the interviewer, don’t stare, only do look at them directly, this displays interest and sincerity.
Do show a sense of humour – it is anappropriate to tell jokes at an interview, but making small guips, or laughing at something humouros the interviewer says shows that you are relaxed and welcoming.

Don’t arrive late – You have to plan how to get to the place where you are being interviewed at least 10 minutes early so you can be composed ( klidný ).
Don’t fidget – You shouldn’t play with your hair.
Don’t rub your ear – this can indicate that you are not really listening to what the interviewer is saying.
Don’t grip your upper – this is a sign you aren’t interested about the job.

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