
London is the capital of Great Britain and lies on the river Thames.The City is the oldest part of L. The East end is poor partand the West is rich full of culture, shops and parks. In Westminster the Buckingham palace, Parliment and Goverment is located.

Tower of London- the capital´s top tourist attraction, the place of torture.Wiliam the conqueror began to build the massive fortress – White Tower to dominated the people of 11. th century.The Tower served as a royal home, a prison, an execution site and observatory.

Many persons were inprisoned here like Guy Fawkes, who planed to blow up the house of Parliment in 1605, Rudolf Hess- Hitlers desputy, Henry VIII´s wives Ann and Catherine.

Six ravens were kept in the Tower to protect the whole kingdom.The legend says, that the Kingdom will cease to exist when the ravens leave the Tower.
Tower Bridge, which raised (in 90 seconds) in the middle to allow ships to pass up the river.Storied also with Jack the Ripper.

The largest and best known church is St Paul´s Cathedral. An masterpeace of Christopher Wren. Built in 1711 in the baroque style. Britain´s heroes are buried there :Ch. Wren, Nelson..

The houses of Parliment : are the political centreof UK , rebuilt in the Neo-Gothic style in 1840. It became the seat of Parliment in 1540.GB with its House of Commons and House of Lords is the oldest democracy in the world.

Above the Parliment rises the clock tower - Big Ben (This is the name of the bell)
Westminster Abey – Coronation Chair a symbol of Scotland Royalty.many kings and quees and poetsare buried in the Abey.

Parks : Saint James park in the near of Buckingham(natural, lot of watter, birds, small islands, one of the most beautiful ones.) …architect John Nash

Hyde park: Most popular, place where everybody could exprss his opinion without fear of persecution. Except disrepute the queen – this is not allowed.

Muzeums: British museum – contains For example mummies and coins from Egypt.
Madamme Tussaud wax museum – famous persons.
The Tate Gallery – mostly 20th century collections.
National gallery - on Trafalgar square - old and 19th century.

Transport:Underground, airport ( Heathrow, Gatwick, Stanstad), Port (Dover),
Doubledecker bus.

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