My favourite British writer - J. R. R. Tolkien

Every nation has its own culture and its part is also literature. Literature has developed for many many years. A typical attribute of British literature is pronounced tendency towards realism. Its writers were quite successful in using humour, irony and satire.
There are many famous British writers and the most famous is Shakespeare, I think. But I´d like to speak about other one – Tolkien. I love his books because they are almost like fairy tales. We often use it for making games for little girls in scout camps.
J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 – 1973) was well-known man of learning in the branch “English Language”. He was the specialist for Old and Middle English. The most famous Tolkien´s stories are “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. They are situated into historical season in the fictious version of our world. This season was called The Middle-Earth by Tolkien. His world was inhabited by men (and women), Elfs, Dwarves, Giants and of course Hobbits.
Tolkien was regularry renounced by English Literature Asociation but he was loved by milions of readers all over the world.

He was called Ronald by his family and friends. He was born in South Africa, in 1892. His father died after Ronald´s birth. After it died his mother.
Tolkien´s life was divided into two places – very rural seclusion with it´s own mill and threatening town Birmingham, where he studied.
In 1916 he got married with Edith Bratt.
He was fighting in the war. But he turned home because of typhoid fever.
He had two children – son John Francis Reuel, and daughter Priscilla.
In 1973 he died.

The Hobbit or There and Back Again
Tolkien often narrated some fairy tales to his children. So then he wrote all this stories into a book and offered it to the editor. The story was published as “The Hobbit or There and Back Again”. This book has a huge succes and so the editor asked Tolkien if he could continue with writing this story. But Tolkien wrote something more – very complicated 16 year´s history of “Middle-Earth” that he called “The Lord of Rings”.

The book I read of this author is called “Hobbit”. I think it isn´t only a tale in spite of it´s full of dwarves, giants and other supernatural persons. And also there are many adventures and other different signs of tale in this book. But it has something more. The psychology of this supernatural persons is very very similar to human psychology.
Now I´d like to say something about the argument of this book.
At the beginning of this book writer describes Hobbit´s burrow. This was builded up at the slope. His burrow was described with many details. – It was very comfortable and pleasant. Hobbit likes comfort and mainly eating. He likes living in peace without any adventure.
But one day came magician Gandalf and 13 dwarves. They wanted to get the treasure from the dragon called “Šmak”. This dragon had stolen the treasure from dwarves and now he´s watching it.
Eventually dwarves persuaded Hobbit (he calle “Bilbo”) to go with them. Dwarves got the magic key and the map (from Gandalf). They was obtaining many other things during their way and this things helped them to get the treasure. They met many adventures and they also risked their lives during their way. I don´t want to describe this adventures so detaily because it could be very long. But I must say that at the end they managed to get the treasure.
Bilbo came back home with his part of the treasure and in spite of he was changed by all adventures during the long way and now he aren´t so frightened like in the past, he prefer to come back to his life in pace and silence.

At the beginning the dwarves don´t want to believe Gandalf, that Bilbo is very handy and clever and that he can help them to get the treasure. They think that he is very slow and almost stupid. But he turned up. The dwarves found out that he is very very clever and efficient. He helped the dwarves in many dangerous situations. In the end the dwarves comprehended that Bilbo can be useful for them.

My favourite scene is narrating about Bilbo´s burrow. This was builded up at the slope. His burrow was described very detailly. – It was very comfortable and pleasant. Hobbit liked comfort and mainly eating. He likes living in peace without any adventure.
Bilbo liked cooking especially for many visitors, who came to his house very often.

I´d like to read whole “The Lord of Rings” because if it´s as good as The Hobbit it´ll be very interesting and great reading. I heard trat it is very very iteresting book and you can know human´s characteristics in it. You can know something about people through this book.

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