My best friend is Markéta. Her nickname is Maky, she lives in Žďár nad Sázavou. She lives two houses far away in a big flat. She has big a family. She has got perfect parents. Her father is Jan. He is 46 years old and he works as a fridge repairer. He has got short brown hair and blue eyes. He likes football and fishing. Her mother is Jana. She is 40 years old. She is very pretty and work as a waitress in the restaurant in Žďár n. Sáz. on the square. Maky has got one sister Hana. She is 13 years old and she attends the seventh class of the fifth school in Žďár. This school is near the bus station. Hana´s hobbies are drawing, swimming and computers. We have also dog. He name´s Gerlli and it is a yorkichir terriet. Maky is tall and quite slim, has long brown hair and brown eyes. I would say she is very pretty. She usually wears jeans and a T-shirt or a jumper. Sometimes she wears a shirt but doesn´t wear a dress.
She is a very happy person. She is kind and careful. But she doesn´t come on time. She usually comes 10 minutes later for the meeting. When we have a meeting at two o´clock. Maky must come at 13:50. I trust her because she never speak aboat our secrety. When she has trouble we go to long wolk. We known each other about ten years. I go with her at a preshool. One day she went to the houses when I saw her. She was tired because she went from the aerobics. I shouted her and I waited until she comes. We didn´t see a long time. On the way home we speak about holiday. Is tuble over a stone. My leg! I broke my leg. She helped me rise and took me home. But we two kilometres from the home. We were smailing and tradeing jokes. When we were to my home my mum phone to the hospital. Thanks to Maky, I am not bored but we very laugh a lot of. She is a perfect person!
She attends the first class of the secondary school in Žďár. She hates physics and she likes czech language. Her hobies are spots, aerobics, animals and being with her friends. Maky interested in history. She wants to travel in Egypt because she wants see crypts and pyramids. She likes music and Italish eating. Maky loves pasta with cheese gravy and brocoly. Every Friday we go on the disco on the square in Žďár. We dancing and enjoy it. She likes punk music, hip hop and disco.When the sun shining we go out on the walking or we ride on bicycle.She has got perfect parents.We are planning common holiday together in the Czech republic but we don´t know where but we thinking about the Sumava or Jeseniky.
16. červenec 2007
8 075×
499 slov
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