New York

- is the largest city in the USA and an industrial port. It lies on the east coast at the Hudson and East Rivers.
- has five boroughs {parts}: Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx and Richmond. It is one of the most important financial, commercial and cultural centers in the world.
- in 1624, New Amsterdam was established by the Dutch and 2 years later was bought from the Indians for goods worth 24 dollars.
- in 1664 Charles II., the king of England, gave this territory to his brother, the Duke of York and that is why the town was renamed NEW YORK.

AIRPORTS: John F. Kennedy International Airport,
Newark International Airport,
La Guardia Airport
- every in Manhattan

In NY there are 12 avenues running north to south and 155 streets running east to west.

v STATUE OF LIBERTY – the first sights to attract the visitor’s eyes when go NY from the sea. It has become a symbol of both freedom and the United States itself. The Lady holds a book with the inscription “ 4th July 1776” the date of the beginning of the independent United States.
v ELLIS ISLAND – is gateway to America, was known as Isle of tears, isle of hopes.
v MANHATTAN – the heard of New York, is famous of its skyline and large number of skyscrapers on a small area.
v WALL STREET – center of financial world
v WORLD TRADE CENTER – complex of seven buildings grouped, dominated by the 110-story twin towers. They are the highest points in the city and the second highest in the world after the Sears Tower in Chicago.
v ST. PAUL’S CHAPEL – the oldest church in NY, built in 1766.
v MADISON SQUARE – was named in memory of James Madison, president of the United States, was established as a park in 1811.
v TIMES SQUARE- center of theaters, movie theaters and concert halls.

The busiest shopping streets are 5th Avenue, Broadway and Madison Avenue. 5th Avenue is the place where the largest department stores or fashion stores are situated, such as Saks, Lord and Taylor and so on.....

Central Park, the largest of all New York’s parks. The Bronx has 2: the New York Botanical Garden and the Bronx Zoo.

- Columbia University – the oldest and largest of all uni. in NY
- New York University – the largest private university in USA, main building is in Washington Square

Boston – remembered for the Boston Tea Party which began the American Revolut. in 1775.
Cambridge – the seat of Harvard Univer. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dallas – in 1963 here was J. F. Kennedy killed, industry and cotton market.
Detroit – known for its car manufacturing
Niagara Falls – 2 waterfalls on the Niagara River on the USA-Canada border.
Las Vegas – famous for rodeo festivals and casino
Los Angeles – known for Hollywood, the center of the film industry
Disneyland – the first theme park opened by Walt Disney.
Disney world – the second theme park
The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, up to 1.7 km deep

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