The town of Přelouč is situated on the left bank of the Labe River near Pardubice. Přelouč is historically one of the oldest communities of the region.The first settlement is "Na dole" - it´s area around Labe River. In 1086 King Vratislav gave it with a Benedicine Order cloister in Opatovice n/L. In 11. century Přelouč was important hop-garden. One of the oldest factories were mills, but they were demolished during the Thirty Years´War. On Setember 8, 1261 King Přemysl Otakar II bestowed Town Status upon Přelouč and ever sice then the town has been using a black grid in a golden field as its coat of arms.
The oldest church in our town is church of St. Jakub. This time is full of renovation old building so many this building has got a new facade different colours.
Přelouč developed its Renaissance charakter in 16. century and the town councillors managed to make the town a Royal Chamber Town in 1580. People who were important for our town are Tomáš of Přelouč - he was bishop in Přelouč in 15. century, František Veverka - one of brothers who invented "ruchadlo". He has been buried also in funeral in Přelouč. And of course František Filipovský - the famous actor Czech Television.
19. century
Thanks to being situated on the railway business artery, Přelouč became econimically the second ranking town in the Pardubice region and until 1960 it was the District Centre.
Přelouč has today about 9500 people living in a 31 square kilometre area. The majority live in the town proper, the rest live in the seven integrated communities of Lohenice, Mělice, Klenovka, Tupesy, Lhota and Štěpánov. The most important are plants in the field of electronics and machinery, however one finds here other business activities in construction, energy, gas, water and processing. Agriculture is centred mainly in surrounding communities. If you will travel to Přelouč you will see the citizens´ Bank tower on the TGM square, which is a dominant view of our town. This building annually becomes the site of a social gathering gor the presentation of the František Filipovský Prize for outstanding achievement in dubbing.
In this time Přelouč is town with many small and bigger firms. You can find there two hotels - Fontána and Sport and many goods restaurants. There are also places where we can go in for sport, because there are tennis coursts, summer stadion and several school and private playgrounds and of course fitness centrum.
Railway station was one year ago renovated and so it looks more better in this time. Railway is important for transport and traffic. Every day many people travel by train to school and to work.
In Přelouč we can find two health establishments. The first is near railway station and most of Přelouč´s people call it Old Hospital and the second is situated next to house for seniors. There are emergency, GP doctor and chemist´s.
Although Přelouč isn´t a big city, it still maintains its historical and contemporary significance.
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