Sports are divided in outdoor and indoor.
I think football is well-know outdoor sport. It is played all over the world. In Europe, Asia, africa, America and in Australia. If you want to play football, you will need team with a goolkeeper and ten players. Players are divided on full-backs,half-backs and fordwards. Then you will need a pitch, 2 goals and a ball.
Other outdoor sports are skiing, cycling, golf, baseball, rugby, cricket, beach volleyball, motor racing, and so on.
That were outdoor sports and now indoor. I think hockey is well-know indoor sports. We were champions of the world.
Other indoor sports are basketball, handball, voleyball, squash, swiming, water polo, gymnastics and so on.
I like all the soprts. I play volleyball for club danzas and really like it!
2. únor 2008
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