
Hot and fresh green spring comes after cold and dark winter. Spring begins on the 21st March.
Spring and of course summer are the most beautiful seasons of the year because of the nice weather, holidays and nice green nature.
Spring is after all the symbol of a new life, energy and regeneration. The days are longer and longer and nights are shorter and shorter, sun is shining, birds start to sing their nice wedding songs and everyone falls in love.
You can see optimistic green colour everywhere and a few weeks later also flowers of different colours. Grass is green, trees with millions of little blossoms … and that paradise smell.
And what kinds of flowers we can see everywhere ? There are : white snowdrops, snowflakes, yellow marigolds, tulips, violets, catkins and my favourite white daffodils.
The weather is quite changeable. The temperatures are often below zero at night but days are quite warm.
People in spring time? Quite well known is so called syndrome of spring tiredness. But what is it? People after long winter sometimes don’t have enough vitamins, nights were longer and of course everything is changing ...
And our organism just needs some time to become fit. After it all, when we are already fit we fall in love, but also animas. We can see so much little kittens, lambs, puppies and so on…
I also like Easter and spring holidays, which are quite changeable. I like to paint eggs an visit church. These are also other nice things about spring.
I have only one dilemma about spring… When the weather is hot and nice and you want to go out with friends you have to sit at home and study and study because of the end of the academic year. It isn’t fair!

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  17. květen 2008
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  298 slov

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