The American school system

Traditional public school - operated by local, state, and federal government funds
Charter school - like traditional public schools, charter schools are free, like private schools, places are often limited
Magnet school - free public schools that specialize in certain areas such as technology, science or the arts
Traditional private school - not funded by the government
Boarding school - offers food and lodging to its students
Montessori school - put a great emphasis on exploration
Religious school - private institutions with a religious affiliation
Waldorf school - the first seven years are a time for children to be engaged physically, the following seven years are dedicated to emotional development that engages imagination

Children usually start at the age of five or six and go up one grade each year.

Usually a student has one teacher for all major subjects during his first six years of schooling (elementary) and a different teacher for each subject during the last six grades in middle and high schools.

At elementary and secondary levels, students usually attend a public school close to their home.
Many towns provide transport to school (buses).

The school year usually runs from early September until May or June (nine months) and is divided into ‘quarters’ or terms (semesters).

Normally parents aren’t permitted to withdraw children from classes, except for visits to a doctor or dentist.

It’s common for children at elementary level to take a packed lunch to school, although many children also go home for lunch. Milk is usually sold at elementary schools at snack and lunch times. Most elementary and secondary schools provide a self-service cafeteria where children may purchase lunch, and some children receive free lunches under local welfare programmes.

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