Most secondary schools are comprehensive schools,which offer a general education to children af all abilities.In some areas children are selected for either grammar school (whis is more academic) or secondary modern scholl.
Education in Britain is free,and most chilren go to state schools.However,some parents pay to send their children to independent school.En England and Wales some of the more traditional independent schools are called public schools, although they are not really pubilc at all! Many of these are boarding school, where children live and sleep during the term.
The national curriculum is the group of subjects that must be taught in schools in England and Wales.
In Englad, wales and Nothern Ireland, pupils také GCSEs at the age of 16. At 18, they can také A levels, usually in two or three subjects, or AS exams (which isvolte half the content of A leels) in more subjects. (For Schottisch exams, look at thenote at A level.)
Mos courses last for three or four years.Sstudents receive grants from the government to pay courses fees and food, accomdation,etc. Some students also receive loans, which they have to pay back when they start work.
The British education system organized in England and Wales
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