Area: 9 529 063 km
Population: 263,1 mil
Density of population: 28 inhabitans/km
Capital: Washington
National language: English
National currency: American dollar (USD)=100 cents
USA comprises: Portorico, North Mariany, American Samoa, Guam, etc.
The highest mountain: Mount McKinley 6194 m
The most important river: Mississippi
National parks: Yellowstone,Yosemite,Grand Canyon,Olympic Sequoia,Zion,Everglades,etc.
Inhabitans: 74% white race
12% black race
10% peoples from South America
3% peoles from Asia
0,7% Eskimos and Indians
On Hawaii islands there are many vulcanos. The highest is Mauna Kea 4 205 m.
USA consist of 50 federal states.
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